This is a DIY project using recycled elements!
My dog's name is Scout and upon finding these sweet
"Scouting" stamps, I wanted to make her a piece
of artwork to hang over her kennel!
1. Recycled Printed Mailer/Wallpaper of Choice
2. Vintage Stamps
3. Ikea Frame & Matting
4. Artists/Framing Tape (Acid Free)
5. Spatula or Putty/Palette Knife
1. Cut star paper about 1" larger than matt opening.
2. OPTIONAL: Peel backing off, and scrape paper debris off with Palette Knife (Spatula/Putty Knife also work). This particular mailer was made of recycled materials and had paper fibers like lint in between which was getting everywhere - you may not need this step if you are using a different kind of paper.
3. Remove matting from the frame.
4. Center star paper on matting and secure to matt with acid free artist's tape. (The trick I use to get this just right: place one piece of tape on the star paper while it's wrong side up, turn it over & position the matting over the star paper until it looks good, then press down matting on taped edge. The paper should now be in the place you want it without it moving around. To finish it, turn matting with taped star paper back over and tape the remaining sides.)
5. Roll a piece of artist's tape and place on the back of stamps (if stamps are flimsy, you can use acid free scrap-booking roller tape, or mount them to matting).
6. With the right side of matting facing up, position stamps above star paper without touching, when you have the right placement, press stamps down.
7. Assemble matting into frame, and enjoy!
>> SCOUT <<
Wouldn't this be a great way to conceal a kennel or dog bed!
And not to mention a fun space for your four-legged-friend.
Here's a close up of the final piece!
Hope you enjoyed this tutorial,
Happy DIYing
xo. m