Monday, September 10, 2012

Bon Appetite - Free Download

My diet is not an easy one, there are no boxes of snacks at the ready nor easy meals out. Hence, I have been learning to cook & prepare every meal: breakfasts, lunches & dinners.  Recently I was craving  pancakes - I began with Millet & Coconut Flour as my substitutes - no matter what I tried:  a pinch more baking soda... another egg? about more flour - nope, still no luck!  It was a total disaster that left my tummy rumbling... after that and many more experiences like it, I feel I can relate to this quote by Julia Child.

Hope you enjoy it too!

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This artwork is a clue as to what's coming up next!


It's a FREEBIE - Download by right clicking, then enlarge to get the fullest size!
Format is 8 x 10 so it will fit nicely into any ready made frame.

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Enjoy &
Bon Appetite!

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